Are you ready to dance your cares away
--- then lets go to Fraggle Rock with Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober and
Red. This was a children's live action puppet television program series
created by Jim Henson. The central characters were a set of "Muppet"
creatures called Fraggles.
The music starts in the opening scene with you seeing Doc, an
inventor, and his loving dog, Sprocket. Sprocket chases Uncle Matt, a
Fraggle, as he explores "Outer Space" and sends picture post cards to
the Fraggles. Uncle Matt explores Outer Space through a crack in the
Fraggles are humanoid creatures, about 18 inches tall with fur in a
wide variety of colors and a tail like a lion’s, with a tuft of fur on
the end. They live in a network of caves called Fraggle Rock, populated
by a variety of creatures, and seeming to connect to at least two
different worlds in separate dimensions of time and space. Fraggles
spend much of their carefree lives in play, exploring their worlds, and
generally enjoying themselves. However, at the same time they maintain a
complex culture and society, with each individual having rights and
responsibilities. They have basic skill with tools and with crude
machinery, and the concept of war is known to them (although wars
between Fraggles are very rare). Fraggles live on a diet of vegetables,
especially radishes. If individuals touch their heads together before
falling asleep they can “share dreams.”
Within Fraggle Rock lives a second species of small humanoid
creatures, the pudgy, green, ant-like Doozers. Standing only 6 inches
tall (knee-high to a Fraggle), Doozers in a sense represent
anti-Fraggles; their lives are dedicated to work and industry. Doozers
spend much of their time busily constructing all manner
of scaffolding throughout Fraggle Rock using miniature construction
equipment and wearing hard-hats and work boots. No one but the Doozers
themselves seem to understand the actual purpose of their intricate and
beautiful constructions.
Often they accompany their building with marching songs and various
Doozer chants. To ensure that they always have a steady stream of work
to do, Doozers build their constructions out of an edible candy-like
substance (manufactured from radishes) which is greatly enjoyed by
Fraggles. They actually want the Fraggles to eat their constructions
because "architecture's supposed to be enjoyed" and also so they can go
on to build again. This is essentially the only interaction between
Doozers and Fraggles; Doozers spend most of their time building, and
Fraggles spend much of their time eating Doozer buildings.
On the outside of another exit from Fraggle Rock, through a well,
live a family of Gorgs, giant furry humanoids standing 22 feet tall. The
husband and wife of the family call themselves the King and Queen of
the Universe, with their son Junior as its Prince and their heir, but to
all appearances working as simple farmers with a hut and garden patch.
The Gorgs regard Fraggles as pests, which steal radishes from their
garden. In one episode it is revealed that the Gorgs use radishes to
make "anti-vanishing cream" that prevents them from becoming invisible.
So the three main races of the Fraggle Rock universe — Fraggles, Doozers
and Gorgs — are all dependent on the radishes for different reasons.
While the King and Queen consider the Fraggles disgusting vermin, Junior
enjoys chasing, catching and keeping them like a boy would lizards and
bugs. Junior has no friends, and perhaps pursues the Fraggles just so he
has someone to talk to.
Marjory, The Trash Heap is a wise being (referred to as an "oracle"),
serves as the garbage dump of the Gorgs. She and her heckling heralds
live near the Gorg's garden, and she gives the Fraggles guidance and
advice, which the Fraggles regard with reverence, although they do not
worship her. She also appears to have some magical abilities
(specifically telepathy and the ability to teleport items or Fraggles),
although she does not often use them. Sometimes she knits to pass the
time. She has an uncle named Maximillian, whom she refers to as "Uncle
Max". Jerry Nelson voiced Marjory the Trash Heap.
Let's dance our cares away and go down to Fraggle Rock now that you
know the characters and have fun with this wonderful line up --- if you
were just visiting one of the many worlds of Fraggle Rock today, aka me,
I don't want you to miss any of this silliness and start at the
beginning of our our with
Lynne. You should have arrived with or without radishes from
Everyone in my family loved Fraggle Rock. My husband was a Jr. Gorg fan, so I made a layout about that.
All cardstock was from my stash. The letters were cut on the cricut and inked. The coloring page was printed from a link on google.
We've danced, tasted the doozers buildings but now it is time to
check out another world with
Pam being sure to
chart your journey and leave your discoveries along the way with your